Thursday, January 3, 2008

CousinFest '08

The emails have started up just today about dates and locations for CousinFest '08. Susie would like to serve as hostess again, which is more than good of her. She also says that she wants to keep us for an extra day this year.

I have to confess, this sounds lovely. It always seems like we barely get started before we have to leave when we only have two nights together.

So! The calendars are out! Carol, Susie, Lilly and I are making plans for the summer.

1 comment:

  1. OMW...Susie...can you imagine how much more she will need to PACK for an EXTRA day??? LOL LOL LOL. U-Haul maybe...I am thinking maybe a small U-Haul.

    I am so all sounds like fun.
