Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Break!

Time flies when you're having fun during Easter Break. I love being a homeschooler, because you're actually allowed to use a politically incorrect term like EASTER without having to look furtively over your shoulder to make sure the Christian Holiday Police aren't listening.

What have we been doing this week? Well, mostly sleeping in. Which is so wonderful. I automatically wake up at my usual time, open one eye to squint at the clock, and then pull the blankets back up to my chin. I've also been trying to do some reading, but Round 4 of HISTO is coming up and the categories (mostly dealing with Alexander the Great) still have to be typed up and printed and a good plenty of my Shakespeare Workshop handouts for The Taming of the Shrew were nixed in the Great Hard Drive Crash of 2008, so several of those have to be re-written. Before next Tuesday.

Let us all ponder the need to BACK UP OUR FILES early and often so that none of you reading this (all five of you) will ever have to spend a good part of cherished vacation time sitting at your desk and re-writing things that you'd already written once before. Waaaahhh....

1 comment:

  1. Ah...spring break...Easter holiday...whatever we call it...I can't more week and then we are doing NOTHING. Okay, stop laughing as we really won't do nothing, but we will do nothing that we normally do...we will throw caution to the wind and sleep in, go out and do fun things, check out all the museums together, go out to lunch, and whatever we want to do that doesn't actually register on the crime spree meter. I can't wait. The entire town will be off to various warm venues and we will have the place to ourselves! We can skateboard in the streets. A break is good.
