Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Indiana Honors Diploma

I found this information online and thought it would come in handy to post it here, not only for my own reference, but also for a few of my friends who are also getting ready to begin their first year of high school at home with their teenagers. As Aladdin said to Jasmine, it's a whole new world: The more we know about it, the better.

Naturally, Meelyn and Aisling won't be receiving diplomas through the Indiana Department of Education; they'll be receiving their diplomas through our homeschool, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic School (there are places online where homeschoolers can order gorgeously printed diplomas with leather covers in your choice of colors. Snaaaaaazzeh!!!) But still, the information will come in handy, I'm sure. As homeschoolers, we have the opportunity (maybe even the duty?) to strive for excellence, and what could be more excellent than earning 48 credits or even more, to know that one has exceeded the average standards? Which, let's face it, are usually pitifully low where public school education is concerned. I know this. I've been there.

Academic Honors Diploma

The Indiana Department of Education offers the Academic Honors Diploma. Students must adhere to the following guidelines to qualify for this special diploma.

General Guidelines:

  • Students must have 48 credits.

  • No semester grade lower than a C- may count toward the diploma. A student must have a grade point average of B or better.

  • Student must be enrolled in the highest level of the class. (Example--academic English or Honors.)

  • If a student meets the requirements of the academic honors diploma, the School Corporation shall make note of it on the student's transcript.

Credits must be earned as follows:

ENGLISH - 8 credits to include course work in literature, composition and speech. These are not to be separate courses, but integrated into existing English classes.

SOCIAL STUDIES - 6 credits to include U.S. history and Government and at least one course in Economics and at least one course with a major emphasis on Geography and or World History.
MATHEMATICS - 8 credits to include Algebra II and at least one upper level math course (Advanced Math or Calculus). If a student is awarded credit for Algebra I course-work completed in junior high school, that student needs to complete only 6 credits.

SCIENCE -6 credits to include 2 credits in Biology, plus 2 credits in either Chemistry or Physics, plus 2 credits in Biology, Physics, or Chemistry.

FOREIGN LANGUAGE - 6 credits in one language or 4 credits in one language and 4 credits in another language.

FINE ARTS - 2 credits in Art, Music, and other art areas, which encompass visual, aural, performing and creative modes of student learning.

HEALTH & SAFETY - 1 credit.


ELECTIVES - 7 to 13 credits depending on foreign language option selected and the amount of high school credit awarded for junior high school course work.

Explanation of Credits
Students earn 1 credit per semester in all classes except basic physical education and driver's education.
Students may earn 1/2 credit for a semester of basic physical education.
Students will not receive credit for driver's education.

Class Level Classification
For the official records, student class placement will be determined in the following manner:

Freshman = Less than 11 credits
Sophomore = 12 credits to fewer than 23 credits
Junior = 24 credits to fewer than 35 credits
Senior = 36 credits to 48 credits

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