Sunday, July 6, 2008


Today is Aisling's first day of playing for Mass -- she's going to play the recessional hymn, which is "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee." We went to practice yesterday at the church with the cantors and parish music director and when they heard her play, their words of praise brought tears to my eyes. It made me totally afraid that I could be one of those obnoxious stage mother-types who forces her reluctant kiddie into the offices of music directors around the diocese, saying urgently, "Look, my kid's got talent. Talent! That's with a capital tee-ay-el-ay-en-tee. You wanna know about talent? You gotta hear her do the Tantum Ergo. C'mon, Aisling, move your butt. Siddown at that piano and show the lady what you can do."

Also, tomorrow is Mee's first day in Driver's Ed class. Wednesday is her first day of hitting the streets, behind the wheel of a car emblazoned with large, brightly colored magnetic signs that read: STUDENT DRIVER in letters the size of which are usually seen on theater marquees or roadside advertising. She'll be out from 9:00am-10:00am and she has a new pair of sunglasses to mark the occasion. The public has been warned.

1 comment:

  1. All these milestones...makes me just want to cry and say "Stop it right now!" I don't want them to grow up so fast, but I guess there's no cure for it. At least I haven't found one here.

    Oh, I can't wait to hear the Joyful and I can't wait to see the driving. (Somehow that doesn't go with what I just wrote about them not growing up so fast, so just know that I am usually a bag of mixed emotions, no dealing with it at all.)
