Monday, November 24, 2008

Best husband

I was very sad a few months ago when I turned on the television to watch EWTN and found that Comcat's channel sixty, where I've prayed the international rosary so many times, enjoyed the stories of fellow converts on The Journey Home, listened to Father Mitch Pacwa and Mother Angelica, Jeff Cavins and Scott Hahn on EWTN Live and watched one beloved pope slip away and another greatly admired one take his place, was gone. Just gone. I was desolate, really.

But the other day I came home from our trip to the museum and my husband said, "I've got something to show you."

I said, "I beg you, please no sports highlights. I don't know what I'm looking at even when I'm not tired and haven't been lost for forty-five minutes in downtown Indianapolis"

"No, really. Watch!"

And the he turned the channel to 275 and there was EWTN as I live and breathe, in HIGH DEF!

You will never again hear me say that it drives me crazy when my husband flicks maniacally through the channels at each commercial break. Because if he didn't do that, I would still be EWTN-less. Amen.

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