Monday, January 19, 2009

2nd quarter grades at Our Lady of Good Counsel

Last Friday was the final day of the second quarter grading period here at Our Lady of Good Counsel Junior-Senior High School, just as it was in many of the other schools in the area.

This is the grading scale we use. I know it's a difficult one, but it's the one that I feel is the most realistic when transcripts are being reviewed by college admissions offices:
100% A+
99-96 A
95 A-
94 B+
93-86 B
85 B-
84 C+
83-76 C
75 C-
74 D+
73-66 D
65 D-


Spanish 89% B (92% B for the semester)
Biology 92% B (88% B for the semester)
Pre-Algebra 78% C (83% C for the semester)
Grammar 90% B (89% B for the semester)
Vocabulary 94% B+ (88% B for the semester)
British Literature 95% A- (96% A for the semester)
Speech 88% B (91% B for the semester - averaged with Composition)
Phys Ed 84% C+ (92% B for the semester)
Religion 97% A (98% A for the semester)

Semester GPA = 3.61 (determined by taking the semster grade percentage x 4 - ex: Spanish would be .92 x 4 + 3.68 and then averaged with all the other semester grades.)


Spanish 88% B (89% B for the semester)
Pre-Algebra 84% C+ (85% B- for the semester)
Grammar 92% B (86% B for the semester)
Vocabulary 8 91% B (89% B for the semester)
British Literature 94% B+ (92% B for the semester)
Speech 90% B (92% B for the semester)
Phys Ed 94% B+ (94% B for the semester)
Religion 84% C+ (79% C for the semester)

Here's a link back to their first quarter grades.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to the students and teaching staff at OLoGC! Sounds like a lot of work was attempted, a lot of hours of sweat was poured forth, and a lot of wonderful results are now the reward! Congrats to you all.
