Monday, February 2, 2009

Chain (of fools?)

Susie gave me the best idea the other day. It's something the girls and I have done before, but not since they were little bitty things, and I believe that one was a countdown to Christmas.

Susie said she was thinking about making a paper chain to count down the days to spring. I think she was just joking, but I immediately felt enthusiastic about such a cheerful endeavor, so I went to Hobby Lobby, where I spent a couple of dollars on pink, lavender, green, blue and yellow construction paper, which I formed into a chain with forty-nine links.

We draped it over the top of the china cabinet, where it keeps annoyingly falling to the floor. Some of the links kept coming un-stuck, too, so I had to get Ailsing after it with a stapler. It lends such a happy aspect to the room, I'm thinking of making paper chains to cover events for the entire year: forty purple links to count down the days of Lent, fifty pink and yellow links to count down the days of the Easter season; gold links to count down the days until my birthday. I'd like to have a beach towel the size of a twin bed sheet and a stack of construction paper. So that I can make some new paper chains.

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