Tuesday, May 26, 2009

When Monday comes on Tuesday

Oh, crazy, craaaaa-zeeee things happen. Such as? you ask. Well, lemme tell you:

1) Hershey barfed in the dining room at a time of the day when I am barely sentient and totally unprepared -- physically, emotionally, intellectually or spiritually -- for cleaning up dog vomit.

2) Aisling, in a determined effort to get her algebra text finished, did five lessons. And then discovered that she had just spent the past couple of hours re-doing the same lessons she did last Wednesday.

3) Meelyn drove all the way across town to Aldi to pick up a few grocery items, and realized when she got there that she'd forgotten my debit card.

4) Poppy, who is fighting yet another version of the Bologna Virus, got up in the middle of the night last night with an uneasy stomach, and ended up passing out cold on the bathroom floor (thankfully without throwing up in some kind of gruesome take on This is Spinal Tap) and breaking three bones in his foot on the way down. He gets to wear a boot-cast for the next seven weeks.

5) Aisling dropped one of the silver spoons behind the stove, of all places.

6) I ran out of Diet Coke.

7) I ran out of Diet Coke.


9) Yesterday, Memorial Day, was windy, cool and pouring with rain half the day. Today? Why, it is warm and delightfully summery, with buttery sunshine brightening up the leaves, flowers and green, green grass, with nary a cloud in the sky.

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