Friday, June 5, 2009

My pulled-pork sandwiches may be famous!

Today I was surfing aimlessly around on the internet and I discovered something that made me smile: My recipe for slow-cooker pulled pork sandwiches has been linked to from a blog called Kathy Maister's Start She included a link to my recipe from a page called Start the Party With A Bang!, which is a guide to planning a Fourth of July picnic. Scroll down to "Main Courses" and click on the link that reads "Pulled Pork" and you'll find yourself back at InsomniMom.

Thanks very much for that, Kathy! I hope that any of your readers who decide to make those pulled pork sandwiches will enjoy them - we think they're fabulous.

I've browsed around's website and it is a real gold mine of information for inexperienced cooks. There are tons of how-to videos to teach foodie newbies kitchen basics like how to cook corn on the cob, asparagus, pork roast and the like, along with videos that can guide a busy person through actual recipes. What a marvelous idea! How's come other people always think of this stuff before I do?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are famous! And, I am thinking those pulled pork sandwiches need to be on the menu soon with some Anadama buns...what a great idea!
