Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Survey says....

Meelyn polled everyone on their Favorite Things in Florida and emailed me the list. Amazing how each family member's personality shines through even when giving Mee their messages via dictation.

Everyone contributed except for Aisling, who was going to write her own, but says her email is "acting funny."

From Poppy

Poppy is very happy over here watching golf and going to the beach and he said to tell you that the top of his feet are sun burned [This is nothing short of a miracle, because the tops of his feet have been the color of salt ever since I've known him. -SM]. He loves watching the ocean and listening to Rush and Sean, and of course watching his grandchildren flounder around in the ocean. He thinks that their should be a Ranch Beach House since their are a total of 60 stairs in this house. He says that Weigh Down is going not as smoothly because he says that he has been over eating ever since he got here.

From Uncle Pat

Uncle Pat is the main chef of the house, cooking cheeseburgers, pancakes, tacos and spaghetti! He has finished an entire book and has started a new one. He enjoys lots of ocean and private pool swimming. He also loves scaring Nanny while she is in the ocean by going under water and touching her feet and legs. Nanny screams at the top of her lungs, making everyone around look over and wonder if their is a stingray or shark of some kind. Uncle Pat also does not appreciate this area, which doesn't have a reasonable Wal-Mart within 50 miles.

From Nanny

Nanny loves the beach house, especially going out on her porch and reading her Bible and loves drinking her coffee out there too. She loves all of the balconies in the house with all of their comfortable seating and views. She enjoys grilling hamburgers and corn on the cob. She loves going to the beach and helping her grandchildren find shells. Nanny also loves going to the famous authentic Mexican restaurant Peppers. Nanny loves floating in the ocean with her legs together [Wha-?... -SM].

She loves watching HGTV, especially House Hunters, she also watched HGTV Showdown for the first time the other night. Nanny loves the quaint seaside towns, with their unique shops. She is very excited to eat dinner out by the pool because grilling is her favorite part. When the whole family got into the gulf at one time it was so much fun. Aisli is learning to float and we are learning, even thought it's hard, not to wear makeup!!! Think about that!!

From Kieren

It is fun and relaxing. He enjoys the beach and loves to get souvenirs with other people's money. [A true teenager! -SM]

From Aunt Angie

She enjoys spending time with family, especially on the way down. On the way down all of the kids switched vehicles at different stops. She loves the drive down seeing different sights especially palm trees. She really loved when The Tank's alternator gave out because that made the trip down even more thrilling. She enjoys sitting on the beach tanning because she does not like going far out into the ocean because of the little creatures that like to crawl across her feet. If Aunt Angie wasn't already married she would have married HGTV. [I would have married the Food Network, or maybe Fox News. -SM]

From Dayden

He has no comment so I thought that I would make one for him. He enjoys the beach; swimming and boogie boarding are two of his favorites. He loves playing on his DS, getting on the computer and going to Cartoon Network to play games. Dayden also loves playing in our private pool. He loves to pick a fight with Uncle Pat in the pool all of the time.

From Meelyn

I am having a fabulous time with family. I love going to the beach and I am building quite a good shell collection. We have seen hermit crabs, sting rays and crabs, all of which I prefer to think do not exist. I am also loving the beach sun. I am getting a very pretty brown color which I cannot get at the pool!

Everyone enjoys souvenir shopping, eating, playing board games and it would not be a vacation if we hadn't brought playing cards to play Pounce ( according to some friends, Pounce is the whimpy version of Nerds; I on the other hand do not agree). We also are going to play Hand and Foot!

Everybody here is looking a maps to see where the hot spots of Florida are. We are taking beautiful pictures, the other day we saw people horse back riding on the beach, how romantic! It is very interesting how when we got to the famous food mart called Piggly Wiggly we were at the deli getting lunch meat when the man asked us if we were on vacation (People over here can tell who the tourists are and the locals.) [Probably because you all talk so funny. At least that's what Susie says. -SM] They told us that a good way to keep flies away is to hang ziploc bags of water in your house, so interesting, we thought for a minute that he was yanking are chains, but it is true, flies do not like water! A way to keep mosquitoes away is to keep fabric softener sheets in your pockets and around the house, that keeps mosquitoes away! Locals are so smart!

We all just love hanging around watching Fox, HGTV and old shows on TV Land. We are relaxing and nobody can stop us!

From Kiersi

Kiersi is still very young but I did get out of her that she likes the beach, pool and she LOVES searching for shells.

Aisling? Where R U?

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