Monday, March 8, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

Oh, 'tis Monday again and I woke up this morning to beautiful blue skies and sunshine and bird song. BIRD SONG! After the winter we've all had, the sound of birds singing in the trees made me want to fall prostrate to the floor and just stay there for awhile, sobbing in relief. I thought I'd never hear any other sound from outside my window than the snowplow trundling by at six o'clock in the morning. I hope you all woke up to the same thing I did.

Here's the week at our house, thanks to Laura, whose own Menu Plan for this week can be found at her blog, I'm an Organizing Junkie. Thanks, Laura, for being such an inspiration for so many.

Menu Plan for the week of Monday, March 8 2010

Monday - Baked Steak, served with cheesy cauliflower casserole (I prefer it in French, it sounds so much more interesting: casserole de choux-fleur au gratin) and green beans

Tuesday - Chicken Pot Pie, much appreciated for its entire-meal-in-one-dish qualities, but since it is technically a pie, I feel like I can get away with not serving "casserole, again?"

Wednesday - Breakfast for Dinner! Pancakes and sausage, mmmm....

Thursday - Crispy Oven Chicken, broccoli/rice casserole, baked potatoes, croissants (I was supposed to serve this yesterday for Sunday dinner, but I felt too yucky to make it)

Friday - Going out for dinner, yippee!!!

On Saturday, I was supposed to make Spaghetti with Meat Sauce with garlic toast for dinner, but there wasn't enough time to thaw out the hamburger, so I did a quick changeroo and made Beanie Weenies with Velveeta Shells & Cheese instead; that was supposed to be Thursday's meal. On Sunday, I was so headachy from this dumb sinus infection that my husband took pity on me and brought us home some take-out. What a sweetheart!

Because of Saturday's switch-up and Sunday's take-out, I'm left with all the ingredients for the pasta meal, which is a little bonus for next week's adventure at the grocery -- one meal already taken care of.

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