It's Monday again already, and a fun week it's shaping up to be, too, what with St. Patrick's Day and all. Plus, we've been experiencing some very mild weather, which had my husband out back yesterday, eyeing the barbecue grill with pleased expectation. I definitely have thoughts of marinated chicken breasts and grilled burgers with pepper-jack cheese dancing through my head, but until my husband installs that full tank of propane and it stops raining, it's kitchen-cooked meals for me and the gang.
However! This week's dinners sound pretty good, if I do say so myself. If you feel inspired to participate in Menu Plan Mondays, click on over to Laura's blog, I'm an Organizing Junkie, and check things out there. You'll be in good company with several hundred other menu-planners.
Menu Plan for the week of March 15, 2010
Monday - Oven-fried chicken, baked potatoes, green beans and croissant rolls
Tuesday - Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and peas
Wednesday - Baked Potato Soup
Thursday - Poured-Crust Pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms and onions
Friday - Refried Bean Quesadillas with tortilla chips and salsa
On Saturday, we had Spicy Beef Quesadillas for dinner after Mass and on Sunday, we had french toast sticks and sausage patties for brunch (totally from the freezer section of ALDI, I admit), with leftover Spaghetti with Meat Sauce and garlic toast for dinner.
Baking,especially when it involves anything to do with rolling something out, is not my thing at all (I totally suck at it), but we love homemade pizza so I would really like to hear more about the poured crust :)