Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Okay, so it was a really busy weekend following a really busy week (Shakespeare class started and threweth me for ye olde loop) and so I didn't ever get my meals planned. In a hasty, slap-dash and completely unorganized manner, then, here is my menu plan. Such as it is. Pity my family.

Menu Plan for the Week of April 19, 2010

Monday - What did we eat last night? I remember that everyone liked it, but whatever it was has completely gone out of my head. But we did eat. Because they let me sleep in the house last night.

Tuesday - Beef and bean quesadillas and corn casserole. I had to send Meelyn to the grocery to pick up everything except the tortillas.

Wednesday - Chicken pot pie? With....mashed potatoes? I don't know.

Thursday - I have no clue. Just....no clue.

Friday - Aisling's Confirmation Mass is on Friday, so I assume we'll be eating somewhere cheap afterwards, which....gulp. We'll probably be eating at about 10:00, although I do remember from Meelyn's confirmation last year that they had cake and all kinds of hors d'oeuvres in the parish hall afterwards.

1 comment:

  1. LOL, love thie organization of this week's menu. My organization looks like that every week...especially at 4 in the afternoon, the "not a clue" part...more often than not. I start slinging cookbooks around and saying, "What do I have on hand and how can I turn this into a well thought out meal in the space of two hours, including a trip to the store to get things I don't have?" I so could not be successful at this menu planning thing and sticking to it. Shakespeare is much more interesting than thinking what I am going to make for dinner...let's hear about that soon! (Sometimes I steal ideas from your menus, so please keep doing them, they are very helpful. Trying to figure out what chipped beef is still, though.)
