Friday, June 25, 2010

Notes from Cousin Fest '10

But no pictures! Because I personally live in the technological Dark Ages and I don't have a fancy phone that uploads photos! I know. It is really all very, very sad, especially since I long for the opportunity to text all my friends with all the ardor of, say, Aisling. Who also doesn't have a fancy phone. But boy, does she want one.

Carol, Meelyn, Aisling and I arrived at Susie's house yesterday right before lunch. We had a very nice drive down from Indiana and arrived in the Bluegrass State, emerging from Carol's SUV already complaining about how HOT it was. We brought everything in and got settled in our rooms and then came downstairs, complaining about how HOT it was, even though we were all sitting in the air-conditioned house. Occasionally, we'd lift our selves off the couch and go to the windows and stare outdoors, whining about the TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE HEAT.

Then Susie lured us to her car and she, Carol and I went to the drive thru liquor store and we came back home so that Carol could make the margaritas and then we were the three happiest people in Kentucky over the age of twenty-one. Meelyn and Aisling were still complaining about the heat, but it somehow didn't matter anymore.

Everything has been so much fun, except for the part where Aisling told one of those stories about our family that is usually kept in the family. You know what I mean? It was one of those stories that made me look like a person of questionable character and she told it in front of Susie's husband, who is completely unlike Susie, being a very religious member of the Church of Christ. But it's funny how a second margarita can make you not worry about that kind of thing. HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!

(Mom, when you read this, please substitute the phrase "Bible Store" for "liquor store" and "chocolate milk shake" for "margarita" and everything will be just fine.)


  1. I had no doubt you were in the Bible Store drinking milkshakes, nope, no doubts at all. Sounds like you are having a great time.

  2. How do I get to be an honorary cousin?
