Dorie Greenspan, beloved of many kitcheny types, has a new book out titled Around My French Table: More than 300 Recipes from My Home to Yours and I've joined a new internet group to cook my way through it. My friend Kayte urged me to sign up with her, knowing my deep appreciation for French food, cooking it and well, eating it.
The two of us have decided that we'll skip over the recipes that call for the enormously expensive ingredients French cuisine sometimes insists upon -- saffron, truffles, sirop de cassis at twenty dollars an ounce -- but I have already steeled myself to a huge financial outlay because, BUTTER. We may have to buy a cow and keep her in the laundry room where she can earn her keep by giving us milk and folding the towels.
If you'd like to join the group yourself, click here to register; the first recipes are to be posted on blogs on October 1. I'm not sure what number that the group is limited to, so nip right over there if you're interested. To protect Dorie's copyright, no recipes will be posted online, so you're going to need to buy the book. That shouldn't be a hardship because Dorie's cookbooks are so lovely.
Bon appétit to us all, mes chéres!
The recipes for October are posted...picked by none other than Dorie herself.