Nanny and Poppy had their annual Christmas Tree Decorating Party a week ago Friday, complete with snacks and ornaments and snacks and festive music and snacks and goody bags and snacks and games. And snacks. Just in case anyone was hungry.
Anyway, these are my parents' five gorgeous grandchildren, standing in the living room of the same house they've lived in since I was six years old and Pat was six months old. From left to right in the back row they are Meelyn (17) and Aisling (15), of course, and my oldest nephew, Kieren (17). In the front row is Kiersi, who will be five in January and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named-on-the-Internet, that boy who just turned ten in November. Aren't they cute? And just look at all those expensive-looking teeth!
Christmas cuties indeed! All of them!