It's Monday, which is usually a sucktastic kind of day, but this particular Monday is perfect: temps in the high thirties, lowering gray skies, flakes of snow dancing through the air...time to break into that holiday classic, you know the one, called "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Thanksgiving."
Our family has Thanksgiving dinner at Pat and Angie's house. They have an open floor plan that makes it easy for members of his family and her family to all mingle together - we're in the same basic room, even if we don't all fit at the same table.
Everybody pitches in to bring a couple of dishes. I am Dressing Girl, as always, although this year, I plan to go back to the old tried-and-true recipe. Those three of you who have been reading at this blog since last Thanksgiving may remember that I made Martha Stewart's dressing recipe and it was so bad, even the dogs wouldn't eat the (massive amounts of) leftovers. It was....wet. The mouth-feel was mushy. And as much as I like to eat, a fact which no one who has ever seen me in person will dare to argue against, I couldn't even eat that crap. It was too bad, too, because you know how frikkin' Martha is about things: Those two 9x13 casserole dishes of wet, mushy dressing cost about $20 to prepare.
I'm also supposed to bring some caramel corn. You know, just in case anyone gets faint from hunger and needs a snack to sustain them.
Am willing to barter for some of that caramel corn...yep...willing to barter any day sounds better every time you mention it. I'm making the Dorie Twofer Thanksgiving Pie to take Mark's parents' house for Thanksgiving...admittance fee is one pie per family you know. They don't short themselves on pie at Thanksgiving up there.