Upon first looking at this picture, you may have thought that these Franciscan nuns were participating in some arcane Catholic ritual (with Our Lady of the Greenturf and the Wooden Mallets watching in the background) or maybe doing some kind of exercise to help them gain their strength for rapping the knuckles of naughty little boys in the classroom. Neither is right; these nuns are playing croquet and I'm thinking that there's nothing like a long-skirted habit to allow a person to cleverly conceal an opponent's ball and just....move it a few inches farther away from the wicket, right in the path of Sister Mary Joseph's dead-on swing and....*WHAM*
Like your blog, but you seem to have some x-rated followers...
I know. And Blogger has some kind of unresolved issue with their software that won't allow those followers to be removed. Their help desk has HUNDREDS of queries from bloggers asking how, please please please explain HOW to remove those spammy followers and there is no answer forthcoming. It's very frustrating.
There is something that you can click on the left margin of my main page on your computer that will make those offensive pictures disappear. I apologize.
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