It's been one of those weeks -- a seven-day period in which I have been called, several times, to exercise a love for the human race that I do not feel. Mostly by not killing someone, because I hear that kind of decisive action is frowned upon by 1) God; and 2) society, at least the kind of society I have been participating in during my forty-something years. And wish to keep enjoying, unless I get a better offer to move to a desert and become a hermit. I would like to think I'm not alone in this and not just wandering in a MURKY HAZE OF MENOPAUSAL ANGST, but sometimes I feel terribly alone. Everyone else seems so....nice. Except for the people I'd like to kill, who are idiots, every last one of them. Ain't that always the way?
I was going to suggest we try to get together again soon, but since you're in the mood to kill a few people, I'll just wave and say hi from over here.
Oh, the people I've wanted to kill have been in isolated incidents of extreme provocation. I don't feel like that about EVERYONE. Especially you. :)
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