Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I took a little break

I am back after taking a week's break to kind of get things organized for the coming school year -- we start on Tuesday, September 1. Meelyn will be a sophomore and Aisling will be a freshman and I will be chewing on the ends of my hair by mid-October.

I also took another little break, of my leftward piggie toe, which is not nearly as much fun as it sounds. So I've been hobbling around the house and complaining a lot, which is what I do anyway so the level of sympathy and support I'm getting from my loving family has been shockingly low.

My internet friends Amy and Karen and I met for dinner tonight and Amy took a picture of the afflicted appendage. I hope to have a picture to post sometime tomorrow because you want to talk about swelling and bruises and a generally gnarly appearance that will make you kind of clench your glutes? Well, I've GOT IT.

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