There's a detailed list I need to publish here at InsomniMom so that I can keep track of these things, but for right now, let me say that I ordered Algebra 1, English Comp, American Lit (including three copies of The Scarlet Letter), Vocabulary, Traditional Logic 1 (Meelyn is so excited about this course, she can barely stay awake), French 1, American History and a bunch of other stuff. It was great fun, but I suspect that's because I'm not going to be the one studying all the books. Muuaaahahahahaa!!!
One very nice thing about this year's books is that we already have a lot of them: Aisling is moving into the books that Meelyn used last year. We already have Spanish 1, Biology 1, Analytical Grammar, religion, SAT prep and something else I can't remember right now. Once again, MANY thanks to Katie, who lent us her Apologia Biology book set AND her microscope AND her set of slides -- that would have been a huge outlay of money for us, but we have it all free because she is so generous. Katie, you'll be happy to know that your microscope has been with us for a whole year now, yet it is still intact and not sticky with nacho cheese.
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