Since I can't do that, my only other option is to laugh about something, and I have to say that I've run across a goodly harvest of one-liners lately that have made me smile. So, being the BENEVOLENT AND CARING PERSON I AM, NO MATTER WHAT YOU MAY HAVE HEARD, I thought I'd share them with you. Because? I am all about other people's happiness, all the time. Shut up.
Some are on t-shirts, some are on coffee mugs, a couple are bumper stickers I've seen on cars, and a couple came via e-mail (thanks, Carol!)
1. If swimming is good for your figure, please explain whales to me.
2. I used to care, but I take medicine for that now.
3. I smile because you're my sister. I laugh because there's nothing you can do about it. (For Meelyn and Aisling)
4. Here. Let me drop everything and work on your problem.
5. I'll have a Cafe-Mocha-Vodka-Valium Latte to go, please.
6. Sarcasm: Just One More Service I Provide
7. I may be fat, but you're ugly and I can lose weight.
8. I am not tense. I am just terribly, terribly alert.
9. This isn't an office. It's hell with fluorescent lighting.
10. Boycott shampoo! Demand the real poo!
I feel better already.
1 comment:
Love them. Saw a t-shirt (from The Biggest Loser) today: Unless you, faint, puke or die, keep walking! Think it is relevant beyond fitness/weight loss.
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