"Yeah," I agreed, lip curled in a sneer. "Those weather forecasters don't know what they're talking about. I'd be more inclined to believe him if....if....he said that pink flamingos and beach balls were going to start falling out of the sky."
As it turns out, my husband and I are the ones who don't know what we're talking about, and I'd like to offer my sincere apologies to all the Indianapolis area meteorologists for our lack of faith, because yes, Virginia, there was indeed a winter storm and by nine o'clock yesterday evening when Meelyn took this picture from our front porch, we'd accumulated several inches of fluffy white snow.
Gladly, it is just enough enough snow to make the outdoors into a winter wonderland without making the roads treacherous. At least that's my impression from hearing the snow plows and salt trucks that drove past the house, like, all night long.
At least it LOOKS beautiful!
I always tell my dh, if we're going to be snowed in, it seems fitting we have fun food (aka JUNK). LOL
The only ones around here who are all that excited about snow are the Tibetan Spaniels, because HELLO, they are original from TIBET! It's a party for them...they run, they frolick, they roll in it, they are actually smiling with glee at just the thought of getting out there. Getting them IN again is a bit of a chore. It did look rather pretty with all that white glistening just at Christmas time, though, didn't it? A regular Currier & Ives shot you have there. It can stay until Saturday and then "BE GONE, I SAY, BE GONE!"
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