A bunch of the teenagers in our homeschool group frequent the Fountain Square Theater every other Friday night to go swing dancing. This is a pleasure my husband and I have denied to our children because the cover charge is $10 a person. Also because the last thing I personally feel like doing after a long week is driving to downtown Indianapolis, although I think it could be argued that on a late Friday afternoon? It's better to be driving to downtown Indianapolis than from downtown Indianapolis.
Anyway, this little get-together was a shocker because it's perhaps the first time in history that THE BOYS were coming up to me and the mom who organized the evening (Terri) and complaining that all the girls wanted to do was hang around talking instead of dancing. Hello? Terri and I chivvied the girls out of their chairs and they finally took the floor, everyone becoming a little giddy from dancing to songs like "Jailhouse Rock," "The Twist" and "Cotton-Eyed Joe."
It was a bunch of fun watching them and hearing the old music. Everybody was smiling. It was a really fun way to spend a Friday evening, so thank you very much, Terri, for setting it all up. We had a great time.
In the photo above, Aisling is dancing with her cute friend Andy, who was trying to teach her one of those complicated spinny-turny-arms-in-airy maneuvers.
Oh, so cute! LOL on guys complaining girls won't dance...usually the other way around! Apparently not when it comes to swing dancing.
Oh how fun! Did you know the Fountain Square Theater is just a stone's throw from my office?
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