Fortunately, it's a lot sunnier this morning in Pennsylvania than it is here -- as I type this at 7:29 a.m., it is still discouragingly pitch black outside -- and Phil did see his shadow, which means that we have only six more weeks of winter instead of, say, eight or nine. The horror of eight or nine more weeks of this bone-searing cold makes me want to just keel over. So thank you, Phil.
Don't you think I should get extra points today for being able to type "Punxsutawney" this early in the morning? I haven't even had a cup of coffee yet.
Yes, it's impressive you can say Punxsutawney sans coffee. LOL
However, not to be the burden of bad news, but I thought if he saw his shadow, we were destined for more winter, and if he didn't, spring was coming sooner.
Wow, I don't know! Maybe it depends on what part of the country you live in -- does Phil's forecast apply to the entire nation?
Here in Indiana, while it is definitely possible to wake up to six inches of new snow on Easter morning, we NEVER have spring starting in March.
Either this groundhog system is totally flawed or Phil is a big fat liar. But I do love his silly nose.
Apparently the idiots over at PeTA want them to replace Phil with an animatronic groundhog.
I wish I was joking.
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